Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe School

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Migiziwag Online Athletic Participation Forms

Please complete the form below. Required fields marked *

Student Contact Information

Primary Parent Contact Information

Answer Required

Secondary Parent/Emergency Contact Information

Family Doctor

Permission is hereby granted to the attending physician to proceed with any medical or minor surgical treatment, x-ray examination and immunizations for the above-named student. In the event of an emergency arising out of serious illness, the need for major surgery, or significant accidental injury, I understand that an attempt will be made by the attending physician and coach to contact me in the most expeditious way possible. If said physician is not able to communicate with me, the treatment necessary for the best interest of the above-named student may be given.

Permission is also granted to the Certified Athletic Trainer or Coach to provide the needed emergency treatment prior to the student’s admission to the medical facilities.

Please click links and read, make sure to fill out the Parent Athlete Concussion Agreement form!!!

Migiziwag Athletic Code of Conduct

WIAA Athletic High School Eligibility Information Bulletin

Parent Athlete Concussion Agreement Form

Athlete's Pledge

By checking the boxes you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the following documents*
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